I am Trina Bresser Matous. I grew up in a Christian home. Though it seems like I’ve always known God, I also had a sense that there was more to a relationship with Him than what I was experiencing. In my mid 20’s I discovered that what I had been yearning for was an intimate relationship with Jesus. Since then God has taken me on an amazing journey as He has shaped and molded me for His purposes.
I am the author of the Christian Living Bible Study Series. This series is not a result of my desire to publish a book, but the result of God opening one door after another. As each door opened, He invited me to trust Him and step through. I could never have imaged, when the first door was opened, where God was leading. I may not know where He’s leading in the future, but I know for certain that I can continue to trust God as He invites me to step through each newly opened door.
God continually reminds me of His presence and work in my life and the lives of those around me as He whispers lessons from ordinary, every day events. Click here to read what a game of Solitaire taught me about trusting God, or here to see how a trapped squirrel showed me that I have a daily choice to trust God or take control myself.
God has filled me with a desire to encourage His people in their own relationships with His Son. I invite you to join me in growing in our relationship with Jesus and the exciting challenges He helps us conquer. Leave your email address to subscribe to the observations and insights God has revealed to me through every day circumstances.
Blessings on your journey!