Trina’s Blog

Recognition Is The Heart of Believing

Recognition Is The Heart of Believing

"I myself have seen, and have testified that this is the Son of God.” ~John1.34     As John the Baptist began his ministry, he didn't know who he was looking for, but he knew God sent him to proclaim the coming Messiah (John 1.6-8, 23). Imagine John seeing...

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The Word Of Christ, God’s Richest Blessing

The Word Of Christ, God’s Richest Blessing

Several years ago my church hosted an evening women’s event. I was not able to go, but heard from friends who were there about an incident that left some people feeling uncomfortable. Shortly afterward I ran into another friend, the MC of the event, and mentioned to...

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You Can Trust The One Who Knows Every End

You Can Trust The One Who Knows Every End

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. ~Is. 46.10     Relationships are built on trust. It is very difficult to have any sort of intimate, lasting, or fulfilling relationship with someone we do not trust.  ...

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