Wrestling with Tough Questions
Why In The World Would I Tithe?
I’m a fairly new Christian and the concept of tithing is new to me. I make a comfortable living, but the thought of giving 10% of my money away is very uncomfortable. Am I required to tithing? In the Old Testament God called the Israelites to be His people. He...
Generosity: The Joy Of Giving More Than Just Money
I’m a fairly new Christian. I keep hearing about the importance of generosity, but don’t have a lot of extra money. Does being generous have to wait until I have enough to give? Money tends to be the default when we think about giving. In some ways, it...
One Thing Is Necessary: The Importance Of Listening
When Jesus rebuked Martha, it sounds like listening to Jesus is the only thing we should spend time doing. Is this a correct understanding of the passage? Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has...
The Right Questions Make All The Difference
During the announcements of the coming births of John the Baptist and Jesus, why was Zachariah reprimanded for questioning Gabriel while Mary was not? Both questions seem to ask virtually the same thing. While both Zachariah’s and Mary’s initial responses were...
The Tantalizing Truth About Being Conceived In Sin
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me. Ps. 51.5 I was conceived after my parents were married. Psalm 51.5 makes it sound as if everyone is conceived sinfully, whether their parents are married or not. What does this verse...
The Truth About Keeping Old Testament Law
Do we still have to follow the Old Testament law? Didn’t Jesus bring a new covenant that negated all the Old Testament laws? During the course of Jesus’ ministry, a Pharisee asked Him to name the greatest commandment. Many of us today are familiar with Jesus’...
Do You Have More Than You Can Handle?
Is it true that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle? It seems like one devastating thing after another has happened to me. If God thinks I can handle all this, He has far more faith in me than I do. Often when we are in the midst of trial and...